Renew your membership fee here

As a non-profit association, we rely on our members to pay membership fees to cover our running costs for infrastructure and labour. These contributions are vital as they enable us to continue our mission and maintain our service. Through your support, you actively help us achieve our goals and make a positive impact in our community. We are grateful for your commitment and financial support, which enables us to continue our charitable work and make a difference.

As mentioned below, the recommended membership fee from the 2nd year onwards is 20 EURO/USD per year, whereby this refers to the calendar year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December of the current year.
If you become a member in December, we will also count your contribution for the full following year.
Please note that we do not send out invoices. You simply come to this page once a year and renew your membership fee. Thank you very much for this.

The payments already made with your account:
Total: (CHF/โ‚ฌ/US$) 0

Membership fee
Credit card payments are displayed within 2 days, bank transfers, PayPal etc. only after manual verification, which can take 1 to 2 weeks.
Safeblood membership fee

The recommended price for a SafeBlood membership is 50 USD/EURO in the first year (Africa 20 USD), from the 2nd year 20 USD/EURO annually. Children and teenagers up to 18 years are free of charge.

Please note that we have a different pricing structure for the USA, effective August 2023, as safeblood USA is a separate legal entity and we can offer different services tailored to the USA. Please go to or if you would like to sign up as a member in the USA.

As mentioned under membership, these are only recommendations - you determine the contribution according to your financial possibilities. But we ask you to pay something in any case, no matter how small or big the amount is. This is a help for us to make sure that you are really a real person and that you want to use our service. Thank you.

You can transfer to our account at Post Finance, pay with Paypal, Bitcoin or Unvaxcoin, as well as pay with credit card using the button below.
Of course, we appreciate it if you transfer directly to the Post Finance account, because then we have the smallest expenses; the largest part of your contribution thus fulfills its actual purpose.

For credit card transfers, scroll all the way down and press the red Credit Card Payment button.

Our account with Post Finance for transfers is

CH96 0900 0000 1586 7596 5
SafeBlood Association, Ankenweid 29, 8041 Zurich

For payments from abroad you also need the following

PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, CH-3030 Bern, Switzerland

For payments to the postal account, please indicate the purpose of your
payment: Membership Fee 2025

To transfer with PayPal click on the "Donate" button:

Our address for Bitcoin transfers is:


For Bitcoin payments, please send us an email here with the amount, date, your name and the reason for payment.

Our address for UNVAXCOIN transfers is:


For Unvaxcoin payments, please send us an email here with the amount, date, your name and the reason for payment.

Alternatively, as mentioned, you can of course pay by credit card in any currency using the button here below.